Massive Killings In Hyderabad For T-State

Posted by Admin on Monday 16 July 2012 | 0 comments

Massive Killings In Hyderabad For T-State!??

T-JAC gets instructed from its boss Kodandaram to follow some 'barbaric' acts that can kill huge number of people in twin cities. While the state is in peaceful mode for now, these agitators are said to be targeting for September 30th.

'If government fails to take any decision on Telangana in a month, then we will be heading towards an Egypt like revolution', says Kodandaram. He felt that only if politics of migrated people stop, there will be a development and solution to T-problems. The T-JAC head feels that government is not sanctioning medical seats in Karimnagar region though there are getting huge income from Singareni mines. Analysts are saying that Kodandaram is provoking innocent students by talking about things like Egypt revolution like stuff. In fact, there are massive killings in Egypt due to rebellion, army and other terrorists in the recent agitations.

Planning to repeat Egypt like stuff in Hyderabad means, killing of numerous people in the name of revolution, say analysts. We have to see if Kodandaram means the same or not!

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