Life time Prisoners Pleading for Release

Posted by Admin on Thursday 12 July 2012 | 0 comments

Give Us Freedom: Lifers plead CM Kiran

The prisoners of various prisons in AP who had already completed over sever years of jail term pleaded the state government to set them free on the occasion of Independence Day this year.

Jail Inmates released a press note urging the government to release them without any conditions, as per the GO passed by state government in August 2004.

Actually, the prisoners who showcased good behavior during their jail term till then are eligible for release. However, the inmates now appealed to the government to fix that period to 20 months.

A special mention has been made for the release of life convicts who had completed nearly 20 years in jail. The prisoners also pointed out various health issues they has been facing due to the long jail term. Will CM Kiran shows mercy on them or not will be known in the coming days!

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