Stamina of Present Day Heroes..

Posted by Admin on Friday 20 January 2012 | 0 comments

Are our heroes are so frail that their stamina has come to just 3 days? This is only the doubt which strikes our mind seeing the latest trend movies.As we know that in the past films were runnig full house for 50 to 100 days. The films were genuine hits and content and quality was the only criteria.

Alas the situation is no longer same now. These days the films are released in 1,000 and even more theaters and the film is given massive publicity. First 2 to 3 days of movie is booked housefull in advance. When comes to 4th day the situation is totally different More than half the cinema halls show less than 50 percent occupancy. This makes one wonder if our present day heroes have a stamina of just three days

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